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  6. How do I create a test list for sending email tests?

How do I create a test list for sending email tests?

Before sending a marketing blast to your customers, Clutch recommends sending a test message to a small group of users. To create a test list, please follow the steps below.

Step 1

1.1 Navigate to Communications section of Clutch Portal.
1.2 Navigate to Lists under the Email section.
1.3 Select New Test List.

Step 2

2.1 Create a name for your test list.
2.2 Enter the card number of the user you wish to add to the test list. (If you need to enroll a new customer, do this via Virtual Terminal, Member Portal, or through your API integration. If you need to look up a card number first, click on the Hyperlink to Customer Service and search for the customer/contact.)
2.3 Click the “+ Add this test card” button to add the card number to the list.
2.4 Confirm information in the Summary table is correct and click the Create List button.

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Updated on May 20, 2020

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