Mobile Program List Reporting Overview

Step 1
1.1 Navigate to Communications Tab > Mobile Messaging > Program Lists.
1.2 Locate the program list you want to view reports for. Navigate to View Program Metrics, accessed via the Actions bar.

Step 2
2.1 The Update Data button allows you to refresh the page to ensure it’s up to date.This updates the list size, it does not change the results of the other reports.
2.2 The export button allows you to export a .csv file containing the data for this program.
2.3 The Opt-In Source chart displays the different opt-in sources for this list. This is the percent/count of all currently opted in customers. You can click on different sections of the pie chart to drill down deeper into how the group is broken down. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. 
2.4 The Opt-Out Source chart displays the different opt-out reasons for this program. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. 
2.5 The Carrier Breakdown chart displays the carriers that support the customers participating in your program. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. 

Step 3
This section allows you to filter data by keywords and keyword groups, as well as view this data using charts and tables.

3.1 You can select the date range you would like to view. The date range will only alter the statistics displayed in the Daily Stats section.
3.2 You can select the keyword group you would like to filter by. This will only filter data in the Daily Stats section.
3.3 You can select a keyword or multiple keywords from your keyword group to filter by.
3.4 This tab shows growth rate, or the number of opt-ins for each day.  You can quickly see the trend of how your list size increased or decreased over time. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. Filtering the data will cause the exported information to adjust accordingly.

3.5 This tab shows the daily changes in your program size. This allows you to see if your list size increased or decreased significantly per day, which can help determine the success level of your marketing campaigns. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. Filtering the data will cause the exported information to adjust accordingly.

3.6 This tab shows a table displaying a variety of opt-in and opt-out information, including changes in program size, number of first time opt-ins, and those in “pending” status. You can export this data in an Excel sheet or .csv document by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the chart. Filtering the data will cause the exported information to adjust accordingly.

The metrics are calculated as follows:

Program Size: Total Program List Size at the end of the day.
Change: Difference in Program List Size from the prior day.
Opt-In: Total number of people who opted into the Program on that day.
First Time Opt-In: Total number of people who opted into the Program for the very first time on that day.
Opt-Out: Total number of people who opted out of the program on that day.
Pending Opt-In: Total number of people who entered a pending state on the day.
Direct Opt-Out: Total number of people who initiated a program opt-in but instead of completing by responding with the confirmation prompt, they text STOP or OPT OUT.
Still in Pending: Total number of people who remain in the Pending state at the end of the day.

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Updated on August 19, 2020

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