Creating New Customers

There are a number of ways to create new customers and cards in the Clutch Platform, but the most typical involves using our JSON API. The recommended steps to create a new customer are:

  1. Perform a search call, using fields like email, phone number, or your customer id via the customCardNumber field, to first attempt to find existing customers. This helps limit any entry of duplicate customer records.
  2. If no results are found, the next step is to place an allocate call to activate a new card number out of the inventory pool for your card set. If you are activating a physical card you will need to send in the actual card number on the allocate call, else if you are using virtual cards, the next available number will be provided back to you. If the card set is exhausted, you will receive an error message and should contact customer service.
  3. Finally, using the returned card number, place an updateAccount call with any and all customer attributes available. If you are also enrolling them in a loyalty campaign, make sure to set the countAsEnrollment flag to true.

Clutch’s API documentation has a much more detail on the individual calls, and we provide a sandbox environment for developers as well in our Client Portal.

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Updated on August 19, 2020

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