How do I create a Triggered Email?

Step 1
1.1 Navigate to Communications tab of the Clutch Portal.
1.2 Navigate to Triggered under the Email section.
1.3 Click on the + New Triggered Email button in the top right corner of the Portal.

Step 2
2.1 Create a description for your message. This is for internal use only and will not be seen by your customers.
2.2 Optional: Provide Communications Tags for your message. By tagging and grouping messages, you can analyze how certain categories of messages are doing as a whole. To learn more about Communication Tags, read the article here.
2.3 Create the subject line for your email.

Step 3
3.1 Optional: Start your design from a saved template.
3.2 Create the body of your email using the editor. For information on how to use the WYSIWYG editor, read the article here.
3.3 Optional: Once your email is composed, send a test email. Testing your email is highly recommended.

Step 4
4.1 Review your message. Once you confirm all information, click Save and Exit.

Step 5
5.1 View your triggered message in the table. If you have access to the Campaign Manager tool, you’ll now be able to associate your triggered message with a campaign rule. 

Note: If you would like access to the Campaign Manager tool, you’ll need to complete the Campaign Manager Training course. To sign up, you can submit a Training Request for the Campaign Manager Course here.

Updated on March 16, 2023

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